Dr. Johnson Guitar
Dr. Johnson Guitar Method
This method is the only curriculum that I know of designed for you to construct your knowledge and skill with the internet. The Dr. Johnson guitar method is everything you need to know to get started playing. The method provides you a curriculum to follow that you can use the accompanying videos from Dr. Johnson Guitar or seek your own.   Is it possible to be self-taught, absolutely, but it does help if you seek out friends that play instruments so you can jam along live, and even seek some one on one instruction is always helpful.
My Story
Learning Theory Expert
I've worked for over 25 years in education and training, taught guitar lessons, studied, and played guitar for over 35 years, with a passion for the instrument and background in learning theory my approach to learning is built around constructivism and information processing.
Strengthening Existing Skills
Dr. Johnson Guitar Method - Beginner Guide
This guide is 40 plus pages of everything you need to know to learn how to play the guitar starting with how to hold the guitar and working all the way up to soloing over chords. This one comprehensive guide is designed with the learner in mind. It breaks down the instruction into manageable chunks of knowledge and skill exercises. It's the only manual that provides a curriculum for you to work independently to construct our learning with the internet.
Dr. Johnson Guitar Method - Intermediate Guitar (Available Soon)
Picking up where the beginner lesson left off, the intermediate guide provides a detailed curriculum to get you jamming along with your favorite music, breaking down theory into applied lessons.